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There is nothing more important than FAMILY. It is both fun and challenging trying to discover just how far flung your family has become. The quest for family (Genealogy) can take you to foreign lands, uncover fascinating information about the types of work some of your ancestors have done, or even find a "lost" or forgotten branch of your family tree.

You, the Genealogist (researcher of your family) works as through a window on the past - discovering events that affected your family. Where you live, how you live and even what you do for a living has been determined in part by your ancestors. Discover the thrill of fact finding your own special history. Discover Genealogy!

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Due to a really hectic schedule (I'm trying to finish my degree and I work two jobs), I will not be able to update this data until sometime next summer (2008). So, please bear with me as I update these webpages. If you see any problems with my information, please do not hesitate to let me know what should be changed.
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